Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Busy Bee

So, I know that I have not posted in quite some time... again, BUT there is a good reason. I have been busy, busy, busy. Between work, my 2 booths and trying to keep them stocked, photographers, and orders... I have been slacking on the viral side of things. So, without further delay, here are some new Winnie Cole items for purchase.

Please email me at or message me on Facebook if you would like to purchase any  of these items. Thank you. 

Love, <3, Love, 


Thank you to C. Rock Photography & Alisha Brown Photography for the beautiful photos of my work. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Happy Saturday

Hello everyone! Just wanted to do a quick update! More things will be added to the Etsy shop this weekend and also on the blog! May has been a very busy month so far, and June is going to be just as hectic. So, stay tuned! Headbands, props, chairs, etc will be shown. Thanks so much for following


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Teepee anyone?

Have you done your part for winning the custom teepee??? For those that booked their session with Corinne you stand a chance- well 3x the chance of winning a custom teepee made by me! 

Didn't get a chance to enter? For every item purchased now through the 8th you get to add an additional entry towards the prize!!! 

Want more info? Email me at

xxx- Megan 

Welcome to the new "art" of Winnie Cole Items

Say hello to the new prop item that is now listed within the boutique. Not only do I handcraft things, I also take items I find, upcycle them, fix them up, what have you- but not this guy...

He's awesome just the way he is. :) 

Handmade- it is quite the piece. Perfect for any newborn shoot. Constructed of many variations of wood and sticks. Very sturdy and durable.The bottom is made of a soft type material and would be comfortable for any baby to lie in without feeling scratched and so forth. If interested in purchasing or seeing firsthand please email me at:

Hiiiiiiii! Yes, it's me again. I'm back full force and more annoying than ever. :) Prior blog was fun- BUT I was using my phone then and whew-- it was a task. So here I am... and this time for Winnie Cole! Love blogging, love crafting & doing what I do-- So, why not add the two together! 

Moving on- as many of you friends and followers may know I have been a busy, busy gal- especially partnering up with Corinne Rockhill. The FABULOUS C. Rock Photography. I do not post much on my FB page for Winnie Cole because I cannot really market my things the way that I want to. I'm a writer. Things to me need to have inspiration, some motive, and some sweet sizzle to make me want to feel or even purchase anything. Facebook just doesn't do it for me. Like all you Twitter and Facebook creepers on your crushes- you can gawk, do not touch. It's just not the same. LOL. So, in all of that, better pictures, better picture pricing, and more & more stuff to delve out.

Ok, so about me for those of you who do not know moi.
I am a 26 year old mother to 2 beautiful children, Gwen (4) & Emery (6m). I am married to a Mr. Josh Smith and we have been for a whole year and a half now. (Setting records people, setting records.) We were married on October 8, 2011 on a gloriously sweltering day. Freakishly almost unpleasant 90 some degrees.... in October. hahaha. Hot, but nothing less than perfect. Was born and raised here in Lafayette & have no plans of leaving----- ever.
My Girls
Also, if you think I am all over the place with this blog- I am. **snorty laugh** I am sooooooo A.D.D when it comes to speaking, and my thought process is off the charts. We could be talking about butterflies and next thing you know I'm moving on to the Beatles. If you have a hard time understanding me or keeping up- don't be alarmed. If you find it easy- there's probably something wrong with you as well. haha.

ok, enough of the unprofessionalism. Why Winnie Cole? Love it. Need it. Gotta do it.
Its my sanity calling. Helps me breathe, unwind, and just feel--- (insert any good/happy/relaxed/skillful word here- and its that). Its just me and what I have always been doing. Yes, I am a bit all over the place with things, but it keeps me busy & happy.

Speaking of busy... Apart from W.C. I do work at a hair salon downtown called the Sample House Hair Design Studio of Downtown. Longest name..... ever. Sample House works for me. I love that as well. :) Love my clients, I really enjoy the girls I work with, and it gives me my "me" time. Any mom knows what that means. Love my kids- REALLY love my space. Bathroom locked much, anyone? LOL

Anywhos- So, there is a smidgen about me. From time to time you will see me throw in some personal life things. Not much- but some. You definitely will see my girls. They are my inspiration for everything that I do, and they are the reason that I do it. It gives me a sense of individualism and, I dont know, overall sense of pride in knowing I created something. Doesn't matter what it is- my props, headbands, pillows, the fab teepees, clothes, signage, whatever..... i love it. Everything I do also has some sort of a vintage feel. Basically, I LOVE making crappy things look a little less crappy. <3

So, thank you for taking the time to "read" me and getting to know a little about myself. Hopefully if I do not already know you- I will!!!

Happy Vintaging!
kiss kiss, hug hug- Megan